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A Fair Tax Code for Families
Capita, New America’s Better Life Lab, and the Ethics and Public Policy Center will host an active dialogue around the Child Tax Credit, Child & Dependent Care Tax Credit, and other areas of tax reform that impact families.
Aux Etats-Unis, les parents écrasés par le coût de la garded’enfant
Le Monde
5 Big Things We’ve Learnt in 2024
Care in America: Historical Perspectives, Future Visions
Join us in Chapel Hill, NC for an in-person seminar exploring the history and future of care and caregiving in the U.S.
Invisible Labor, Visible Needs: Making Family Policy Work for Stay-At-Home (And All) Parents
Fixing Childcare in America
Harvard EdCast
Parents in the Crossfire: Care in a Polarized Culture
In a world of constant flux, we must embrace the idea that there is no “one way” to be a parent.