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5 questions with Boston’s Kimberly Lucas

“For us, good design must thoughtfully take in the context residents are in, allows us to fully articulate or fulfill the goal at hand, and invites all of us to interact differently — person to person, person to institution, person to city. We consider what we do as ‘acts of civic design’ in that they invite us all to participate in the future of our city.”

Kimberly Lucas is the Civic Research Director in the City of Boston’s Office of New Urban Mechanics. Part researcher, part practitioner, and part muppet, Kim has consistently kept one foot in the ivory tower and one foot on the ground, pairing research with practice to seek real solutions to social policy and planning problems.

Kimberly will be featured at Childhood by Design on November 6th in Atlanta. Presented by AIR Serenbe and Capita, Childhood by Design brings artists, architects, urbanists, and designers together with early childhood experts, policymakers, and the general public. This public conversation on stage at the Rich Theatre in the Woodruff Arts Center will explore and harness the power of art, architecture, design, and placemaking to reimagine the unique experience of childhood, to improve outcomes, and to co-create a brighter future for all young children and their families.

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